Bryan Adkins

Chief Executive Officer

Bryan Adkins

Bryan Adkins is the CEO of both Eden and its subsidiary, Compassionate Carbon. He is an accomplished natural resource executive with extensive experience in developing nature-based solutions, ecosystem services projects, and navigating carbon markets. He brings two decades of work in the environmental sector, including direct involvement in landscape management in both the compliance and voluntary carbon markets. He has held numerous leadership positions and has worked at UNEP, Alberta Environment & Parks, FAO, WCS, and Wildlife Works Carbon. He has also served as an advisor to regional governments in East Africa and North America, where he has supported the development of both REDD+ and restoration policy and practice. Currently, he serves on the Independent Advisory Council in the International Carbon Reduction and Offsetting Accreditation under IETA. In 2013, Bryan founded the Kijabe Forest Trust in Kenya, protecting 6,000 hectares of primary forest reserve, an ongoing proving ground for restoration techniques.

Bryan holds an MSc in Resource & Environmental Management from Dalhousie University and BSc from the University of Maryland.