Protecting wildlife at Madagascar’s nature center

When areas are deforested, wildlife like chameleons are forced to relocate and often face extinction. Our reforestation efforts in Madagascar protect and restore natural habitats by employing thousands of people living in extreme poverty to produce, plant, and guard to maturity millions of trees every month across the world. In 2018, we opened a nature center in Madagascar to expand one of the last green spaces in Mahajanga, rehabilitate wildlife, and engage the community in conservation efforts.


At the nature center, one of the main focuses is reforestation, by planting a wide variety of native tree species that we plant throughout Madagascar. Creating this forest gallery allows our employees to research tree growth patterns and life cycles to understand better how these trees will grow at planting sites.

Wildlife Conservation

Our Madagascar team safely retrieve species in danger due to smuggling, poaching, injuries, and more. These animals are brought back to the nature center to be nursed back to health and protected from further harm. The wildlife are then released either back into their natural habitat or within the nature center’s forest to continue wildlife conservation. Some animal species at the nature center include frogs, lemurs, snakes, chameleons, turtles, iguanas, and even spiders.

Community Engagement

Another goal of the Madagascar nature center is to provide community access to learn about the role wildlife plays in our global ecosystem. A library, research center, and guided tours are available for local students and the community.

Restoring and protecting forests has positive benefits for wildlife within and around project sites we reforest. As forests are restored, wildlife can return to their natural habitat and ecosystems can continue to thrive.

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