Transforming lives through reforestation

The heart of our mission is to see the communities we work with holistically transformed.

At each of our reforestation project sites, we start with a bottom-up approach. Our first connections are always with local communities, and our most important relationships are with local leaders, all of whom want a thriving local environment. Our role is to provide economic incentives and planting techniques to support them in restoring their local environment and economy in the ways they know to make sense.

Since we began our work in 2005, communities have gone from living under oppressive indentured servitude in degraded areas to receiving a living wage working to restore their local environment.

The socio-economic benefits of reliable employment are significant. Parents who were once unable to put food on the table and pay their children’s school fees can now consistently provide healthy meals for their families and send their kids to school. Microenterprises pop up throughout the communities we work with, further improving the region’s economy. Long-standing debts are paid off, releasing individuals from the bonds of their debtors.

Restoration of local forests often creates a ripple effect, positively changing everything that surrounds it. When people’s lives change through employment and their land is brought back to life, entire communities thrive again.

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