8 Billion Trees’ carbon footprint calculator project achieves Ecosystem level partnership

Governments and organizations around the world are currently working on strategies to combat climate change and environmental disasters, as it has become increasingly clear that reducing and eliminating major sources of carbon emissions right now is more important than ever.

As one of the leading organizations at the forefront of this mission, Eden is focused on reforestation and utilizing the amazing power of trees to not only sequester carbon but rebuild habitats and raise communities from poverty (the United Nations’ number one Sustainable Development Goal).

While it has now become common knowledge that tree planting done carefully will play an important role in the climate solution, it has also become apparent that the reforestation efforts carried out by Eden are more than just necessary--they are critical.

For these reasons and more, 8 Billion Trees is proud to support the incredible tree planting efforts being carried out and is excited to reach the ecosystem level partnership with Eden, one of the most effective and wide-reaching tree planting organizations in the world.

By planting over 10 million trees, Eden has empowered 8 Billion Trees to expand its carbon footprint calculator project in the immediate…not at some distant future date…which means helping the planet fight climate change in effective ways while simultaneously making a deep impact for animals and their habitats as well as impoverished peoples.

Understanding and combating the current threat

Nature is a powerful force that is able to overcome and adapt to a wide variety of problems. But greenhouse gases, namely carbon dioxide emissions that have been steadily pumped into the atmosphere for over 100 years, combined with the wanton destruction of the world’s rainforests have delivered an almost death blow to the natural workings of the planet’s global climate.

The recent groundbreaking report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has shown that the combination of greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation is actually increasing emissions levels, by contributing to wildfires, droughts, and destroyed ecosystems, especially in rainforest areas like Brazil.

Two men working on planting trees to help offset carbon footprints

8 Billion Trees' team preparing an area for planting in Pará, one of the most heavily-deforested areas in the Amazon.

It’s one of the core reasons why 8 Billion Trees is leading tree-planting efforts in the Brazilian Amazon alongside government agencies, rebuilding the forests that have been destroyed, using native seeds harvested by hand to ensure true biodiversity is preserved throughout all reforestation projects. Also engaged in spreading awareness, they have developed a carbon offset calculator as a free tool for anyone to use to learn more about not just their eco and carbon footprint, but the power of trees as well.

Why? You shouldn’t ever be forced to buy carbon offsets before you can learn about your emissions; once you learn about your individual ecological footprint you can instead donate directly to Eden’s projects which will carry out tree planting efforts that go far beyond just carbon sequestration.

This is why 8 Billion Trees also believes strongly in supporting Eden to expand their impact and reach. This has translated into more than 10 million trees being replanted in degraded areas around the world, in places like Madagascar, Mozambique, and Nicaragua, to name only a few of the countries where Eden is repopulating forests and working hard to change lives.

The power of trees: Restoring global harmony

Simply put, forests do more than look beautiful and provide habitats for countless species of plants and animals. Science shows that forests also play a crucial role in global weather cycles, actually creating and maintaining ‘rivers’ of water in the atmosphere.

A 2019 study, carried out by an international team of scientists, estimated that the world could support another 900 hectares of forests and that by planting these trees and establishing these ecosystems, the environment could naturally erase 205 gigatons of carbon emissions. Harnessing the power of trees is one of the best methods the planet currently has to counteract emissions.

In fact, experts around the world are working to develop ‘negative emission’ technology that erases greenhouse gases. But, tree planting programs (when done holistically and conscientiously) is a way to establish this goal without waiting for funding, new ideas, or bipartisan support… all while uplifting local communities around the globe.

By rebuilding rainforests that were slashed, burned, and cleared in the past, in addition to planting in other hotspots around the world, the trees from this partnership are providing a solution to many of the issues our planet is facing related to climate change and deforestation.

Eden is planting millions of trees every single year to serve as a powerful weapon that nature desperately needs to fight back against the increased droughts, wildfires, oceanic events, and other problems caused by the changing atmospheric structure.

By joining forces with Eden, 8 Billion Trees is using both funds and efforts to fight the carbon emissions that continue to cause severe weather events, as well as build awareness campaigns and tools like carbon calculators to further combat the destruction of the world’s climate and habitats.